Thursday, April 7, 2016

The Beginning

Hi There,

       Some of you may be wondering what I mean by the girl who has everything and its not what you think. What I mean by the girl who has everything is in the worse way possible. I'm writing my blog based on my Journey through my chronic illnesses and chronic pain. this blog will be about my fight with Anxiety, Endometriosis, Panic Disorder and Vulvodynia.  

     But it will also be about my strengths through these illnesses with my family, my art, my friends, my fiancee and my support groups. I hope to accomplish a couple of things one to help people like me who are fighting any chronic illnesses and two to help the People that I love help understand me better. This Blog will be very personal, I'm laying myself bare so to speak. So to my friends and family I will understand if you do not want to read such personal things about me. But I encourage you to read, learn and ask about my life. I want my life to be an open book, not just to the ones I love but to everyone. My mom says I'm pessimistic and to a point she is correct. I use to be very optimistic but when life keeps throwing lemon at your pelvis it's kind of hard to make Lemonade when you are in so much pain. But I hope this blog will help me start to make Lemonade again.

~From the girl who has everything 

This is a step in the right direction.

Now is the climax to the story that gives the angels and demons their purpose - Twenty One Pilots


  1. Hello sweetie welcome to the group I am also one of many that has story n many other illnesses other then Endo all I have to say is u go girl God bless your heart for sharing and caring amen

  2. Hello sweetie welcome to the group I am also one of many that has story n many other illnesses other then Endo all I have to say is u go girl God bless your heart for sharing and caring amen
