During the time I was writing (welcome to salt lake behavioral) my doctors were discovering that I have an autoimmune disease which they were pretty sure was fibromyalgia. They had run some test but it came back one point under to be fibro. The specialist said it was so close to being fibro and that I had all the symptoms that she was ready to call it. But she wanted to be sure that it was fibro. So we waited 6 long weeks and I got retested.
I do in fact have fibromyalgia and it’s
getting worse it seems. I can barely walk and am getting "fitted" for
a walker soon. Some days I can barely get out of bed. However because of my various
chronic illnesses, mental illness and the fact I’m getting worse on both ends. I’ve
decided to try for disability which in Utah is near impossible when you have
illnesses people believe in. Stuff like vulvodyina, fibromyalgia, endometriosis,
anxiety and panic disorder are all either not believed in or aren’t taken seriously.
I’ve had 4 disability lawyers deny my case for at least 1 of 3 reasons. My age,
my wage, and illness not being taken seriously.
But I’m not stopping I’m
not giving up. I’m on FMLA which has me on part time (which helps wages at
least) and because of flare ups I can miss 2 days a week if needed. It’s
helped a little but it’s also given me insight on how bad I’ve really gotten
recently. But I’m going to keep calling lawyers until someone can help me. And
now finally I have gotten some good new I have some lawyers who think they can
help my mom and I have meetings with some of them very soon.
Something that has been keeping me up but
also very tired and very busy. I’m setting up my own small creative business. It’s
one of the few thing I can do while I lay down. I’m not saying much yet but I
hope to have it up at the end of July but will not know for sure for some time.
I encourage you to comment. Have any of you
gotten on disability? What were your struggles and successes?
From the girl who has one more thing,
Thank you for reading
Quote: Health is a crown that the
healthy wear, but only the sick can see. – Imam Shafiee
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